

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Psalm 86:15 says, “But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.

As a pastor’s daughter, growing up in church made me almost take for granted the mercy of my Lord. To me, mercy was something for the really “bad people”. I felt as though I didn’t need to cry out to the Lord to show me mercy. That suddenly changed when I reached high school and thought I had really matured. I made some mistakes that really grieved me and I began to draw away from the Lord. Although I felt convicted and asked the Lord to forgive me; I still struggled with the simple, yet complex truth that Jesus died for the sins of every person, including me. I struggled to get over my mistakes. A little while later, a close friend of mine went through some passages in the Bible with me. She began to talk with me about God’s love and mercy. She reminded me that when we ask God to forgive us and we truly repent; He throws it into the sea of forgetfulness. He then remembers it no more. After that conversation, I asked the Lord to forgive me; I truly repented and asked Him to help me remember that no one is perfect. I also asked the Lord to forgive me for being so proud, and not taking His word seriously when it talks about His mercy. I then felt His love so deeply like never before. I felt so much peace and joy. Tears came down my eyes as I thought about my Savior who loved me so much and died for the sins He know I would commit over 2,000 years later. When I read Psalm 86:15, it had a new and very important meaning to me. This time, I wasn’t taking His mercy for granted. I truly believe His love and mercy is for everyone, we are all sinners. This new meaning has changed so much in my walk with Christ. It has drawn me so much closer to my Father in Heaven. I am excited to be able to testify of His love and never ending mercy. I am so excited to share God’s love with the women of Mercy Ministries! J Osama Onaghinor

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